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Some tried and true spells and recipes that have greatly benefited my life and the lives of my loved ones. Give them a try!
BLESSING OF UNION Important-Please read: This is a PERMANENT spell and should only be performed for a married couple. It is irreversible, so think very carefully before attempting this spell. You will be bound to each other forever! Best Time: Full Moon (preferably on a Monday or Friday) What you'll need: -Parchment paper with both of your names written on it in your favorite red ink. -Red thread, chord, or ribbon -Dried herb "Love" mixture (I use a mixture of cardamom, cinnamon, rose petals, cloves, & chilli powder) -Red Candle What to do: 1.) Bind paper tightly with the red ribbon & prepare to burn paper and herbs. Light candle. 2.) Cast circle and raise power. 3.) Repeat the following incantation (with conviction, thinking of the one you love): Aphrodite, Goddess of Degraded Love And the sanctity of marriage Make our cup runneth over And bless us with your love Aphrodite rising from the wine-dark sea Grant us health and fertility Fidelity and trust Grant us wealth and virility Honesty and lust Aphrodite, bless this union Make our two hearts beat as one Make the flames of passion Burn, without burning us Hot, without burning us Blaze, without blinding us Fire without end Aphrodite, force of nature Let us love each other So long as we shall live Let us give each other All we have to give Let us be together in this life and the next Aphrodite, Qheen of Beauty We do you honor each time we make love Make our bond to last forever Grant us eternal love Aphrodite, Goddess of the windblown foam Give us healthy children and a happy home Aphrodite, bless this union And forever smile upon our love 4.) Close circle and ground power. Clean up. Bury the ashes (from the paper and herbs) beneath a tree or plant in or nearby your home. |
MONEY, JOB, GOOD LUCK SPELL This spell can either be performed for yourself or a loved one (but you should always make sure the person for whom you are performing the spell gives you full permission). Best Time: Waxing to Full Moon (best performed on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Sunday) What you will need: -Green Candle -Chalice -Melted snow (I collect during the winter time and keep on hand. This is an important aspect of the spell-symbolizes change-and it should not be substituted) -Good fortune herb mixture (I use dill, oats, rose petals, and rice) -Picture of person for whom you are performing the spell or picture of yourself, if the spell is for you -Parchment paper with desired outcome/wish/prayer written on it in your favorite green ink -Green thread, chord, or ribbon -A small pouch/bag for the herbs (preferably green) What to do 1.) Bind the paper and picture together (into a scroll) and tie with the green ribbon 2.) Prepare to burn scroll and herbs; light candle 3.) Place empty chalice on altar and have melted snow nearby (I keep mine in a jar) 4.) Cast circle and raise power 5.) Burn scroll and herbs (constantly focusing on what it is you want) while chanting: Herbs to ashes, let them be A good luck charm to those who carry thee By the sun and by the sea Let good fortune come to thee (or "me" if working spell for yourself) Blessed Lady Hera and Lord Dionysis I thank you for the fortune you have bestowed upon me and ask for your blessing now. 6.) Pour some of the melted snow into the chalice and recite (with power and conviction!): My cup is empty I make it full Now I send this word forth and bring it into being 7.) Close circle and ground power. Place the ashes from the herbs and scroll into the pouch/bag. The ashes should be constantly carried by the person for whom the spell was worked for one week. I usually recommend sleeping with the pouch under your pillow at night as well. Be sure to thank the Gods/Goddesses for their help and blessing next time you perform a ritual or make an offering. |