Scotia's Teas
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Tea Recipes for Mind, Body, and Spirit
**Some herbs are not for everyone. Please consult a doctor before trying these remedies (especially if you are nursing, pregnant, or have an existing medical condition). Also, if your condition worsens or persists, please consult a doctor immediately. These teas are not always the best tasting, but they REALLY work!!! Please also note that you should always stir CLOCKWISE. And remember-a cup of tea prepared by a witch is a sacred thing!

Headache Tea (also good for a sore throat!)
-2 parts yarrow (flowers work best)
-2 parts sage
-2 parts rosemary
-5 drops peppermint oil (or 3 drops extract)
-Honey and lemon to taste
Fertility Tea
-3 parts wild yam root
-Pinch of Stevia
-2 parts licorice root
-1 part ginger
-4 parts sassafras
-1 part cinnamon
-1 part vitex
-1/2 part false unicorn root
-1/2 part Dong Quai
-1/2 part orange peel
Upset Stomach/Indigestion/Gas
-3 parts mint
-1 part coriander
-1 part dill
-1 part rosemary
-1 part catnip
-5 drops peppermint oil (or 2-3 drops extract)
-1 part fennel seed (optional)
Psychic Tea-Will help with Visions/Premonition
-2 parts rose wheat
-1 part mugwort
-1 part cinnamon
-2 parts rosemary
-2 parts yarrow
Communication Tea (good to serve for those heart to heart talks)
-2 parts lavender
-1 part rose petals
-1 part calendula flowers

**Both parties must drink for this to be effective. I find this is especially good to serve when you have bad news to reveal or need to engage in a "difficult" conversation with someone, especially if this person is not normally easy to talk to.
Couples Tea (To create a romantic atmosphere and induce intimacy-WOO HOO!)
-1 part marjoram
-1 part rosemary
-1 part basil
-1 part lavender
-1 part thyme
-1 part lemongrass
Insomnia/Relaxation Tea
-1 part dried vervain
-1 part mint
-3 parts chamomile
-1 part thyme
-1 part lemon peel

**Drink when you are ready to snooze . . . I recommend laying down in a comfy spot as soon as you finish the tea. Guaranteed to make some ZZzzzzz's!

More coming soon!